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Allen Lowrie PDF Tisk E-mail
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Botanický konzultant, specialista na čeledi rostlin Byblidaceae, Cephalotaceae, Droseraceae, Lentibulariaceae, Nepenthaceae & Stylidiacea).

Allen Lowrie ve své pěstírně

Allen Lowrie: narozen v roce 1948, Západní Austrálie
Ženatý: žena Pauline
Děti: 2 dcery & 3 vnoučata: Trinity: Evan & Yana. Filicity: Lochlan
Bydliště: 6 Glenn Place, Duncraig, 6023, Western Australia
Kontakt: telefon +61-8-94477426; Fax: +61-8-92469335

Allen Lowrie na lokalitě Drosera browniana

Botanická činnost Allena Lowrieho

Specialista na masožravek rostliny a rostliny rodu Stylidium. Vedoucí botanických expedicí do Bruneje, Sabahu, na Sumatra, do Malajsie. Mnoho botanických průzkůmů dělaných pro C.A.L.M. = Conservation & Land Management (nyní D.E.C. = Úřad pro životní prostředí a ochranu) Botanické průzkumy pro Water Corporation. Specializovaný botanik při expedicích do Landscope, každoročně (1 až 2 expedice) v letech 1993-1997, cestování do nejvzdálenějších oblastí v Kimberley. Botanik – asistent při dlouhodobém monitorování deštného pralesa, průzkumný project, Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley. Botanik a asistent pevninského projektu “Golden Haired Bandicoot Survey Project” v Kimberley, servis pastí za pomocí helikoptéry Mt Anderdon, Roe River, Mt Trafalgar a pobřeží na konci mokré sezóny. Mnoho botanických expedic do všech částí Kimberley, včetně oblasti Kimbolton Station na poloostrově Yampi v srpnu 2000. Botanický badatel, spisovatel, autor, fotograf, umělec a ilustrátor. Autor a spoluator popisu 108 nových druhů čeledí Droseraceae, Byblidaceae, Lentibulariaceae a Stylidiaceae ve 24 vědeckých magazínech.

Autor 50 článků pro botanické magazíny o čeledích Droseraceae, Byblidaceae a Lentibulariaceae.
Autor 3 knih.

Hej Allene...díváš se na mě! (klokan, Cape Arid, Western Australia)

Příjemce grantů od…

C.A.L.M. (nyní D.E.C.)

C.S.I.R.O Education Science and Industry Endowment fund
Geographic Society Australia
Geographic Society USA

Publikované knihy, stati a články.


Lowrie, A. (1987) Carnivorous Plants of Australia,

Vol. 1. University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, Western Australia.

Lowrie, A. (1989) Carnivorous Plants of Australia,

Vol. 2. University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, Western Australia.

Lowrie, A. (1998) Carnivorous Plants of Australia,

Vol. 3. University of Western Australia Press, Nedlands, Western Australia.

Stati o masožravých rostlinách

Conran, J.G. & Lowrie, A. (1993). Byblis liniflora subsp. occidentalis (Byblidaceae) A new subspecies from north-Western Australia. Aust. Syst. Bot., 6: 175-179.

Lowrie, A. & Carlquist, S. (1990). A new species of tuberous Drosera from Western Australia. Phytologia 69 (3): 160-162.

Lowrie, A. & Carlquist, S. (1992). Eight new taxa of Drosera from Australia. Phytologia 73 (2): 98-116.

Lowrie, A, & Marchant, N. (1992). Four new Drosera taxa from south Western Australia. Nuytsia 8 (3): 323-332.

Lowrie, A. (1994). Drosera ordensis (Droseraceae), a new tropical species of carnivorous plant from northern Australia. Nuytsia 9 (3): 363-367.

Lowrie, A. (1996). Drosera kenneallyi (Droseraceae), a new tropical species of carnivorous plant from the Kimberley, northern Western Australia. Nuytsia 10 (3): 419-423.

Lowrie, A. (1996). New species in Drosera section Lasiocephala (Droseraceae) from tropical northern Australia. Nuytsia 11(1): 55-69.

Lowrie, A. (1997). Drosera paradoxa (Droseraceae), a new species from northern Australia. Nuytsia 11(3): 347-351.

Lowrie, A. (1998). A new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the south-west of Western Australia. Nuytsia 12 (1): 37-41.

Lowrie, A. (1999). A taxonomic review of the yellow-flowered tuberous species of Drosera (Droseraceae) from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 13 (1): 75-87.

Lowrie, A. & Conran J.G. (1998). A taxonomic revision of the genus Byblis (Byblidaceae) in northern Australia. Nuytsia 12 (1): 59-74.

Marchant, N. & Lowrie, A. (1992).New names and new combinations in 34 taxa of Western Australian tuberous and pygmy Drosera . Kew Bulletin 47 (2): 315-328.

Články o masožravých rostlinách

Lowrie, A. (1978). Cephalotus hunting in the deep S. W. of Australia. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 7(4): 119-121.

Lowrie, A. (1980). Cannington Swamp RIP. (born about the time of the dinosaurs. Died 1981). Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 9 (1): 8 & 24.

Lowrie, A. (1981). In reply to the article on “Cannington Swamp”. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 10 (1): 8.

Lowrie, A. (1981). Byblis gigantea. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 10 (1): 1,14,19-20, 26.

Lowrie, A. (1981). Polypompholyx. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 10 (2): 38-39, 46-49.

Lowrie, A. (1981). Drosera zonaria. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 10 (3): 74-75.

Lowrie, A. (1981). Byblis gigantea. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 10 (1): 1,14,19-20, 26.

Lowrie, A. (1982). A field trip to Toolbrunup Peak. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 11 (2) :48-49.

Lowrie, A. (1983). Sabah Nepenthes Expeditions 1982 & 1983. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 12 (4): 88-94.

Lowrie, A. (1988). Preview of Carnivorous Plants of Australia Vol. 2. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 7 (4): 72-73.

Lowrie, A. (1988). Two new tuberous Drosera discoveries in Western Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 7 (4): 63-65

Lowrie, A. (1989). Plant of the Month, Byblis in Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 8 (1): 4-7.

Lowrie, A. (1989). Polypompholyx in Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 8 (2): 23-25.

Lowrie, A. (1989). A study of the Drosera whittakeri-like plants found in South Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 8 (3): 43-48

Lowrie, A. (1989). Drosera paleacea. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 8 (4): 67.

Lowrie, A. (1990). Two new tuberous Drosera discoveries in Western Australia Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society 6 (3): 15-16.

Lowrie, A. (1990). New pygmy Drosera found. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 9(1): 3.

Lowrie, A. (1990). Utricularia menziesii . Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 9 (1): 7-10.

Lowrie, A. (1990). The Drosera petiolaris complex.. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 19 (3): 61,65-72, 120.

Lowrie, A. (1990). The Drosera petiolaris complex. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 9 (2): 4-12.

Lowrie, A. (1990). Der Drosera-petiolaris Komplex. Das Taublatt 7. Jahrgang Heft 14

(2): 5-13.

Lowrie, A. (1990). A new species of tuberous Drosera from south west Australia Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 9 (3): 7-9

Lowrie, A. (1990). A new species of tuberous Drosera from south west Australia Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society 7 (2): 12-14.

Lowrie, A. (1990). A field trip to Darwin and Kununurra. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 9 (3): 13-18.

Lowrie, A. (1990). A field trip to Darwin and Kununurra. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 9 (3): 4-7.

Lowrie, A. (1991). A field trip to Darwin and Kununurra for C.P. Carnivorous Plants Newsletter 20 (4): 114-123.

Lowrie, A. (1991). Utricularia menziesii Das Taublatt 8. Jahrgang Heft 16 (2): 4-6.

Lowrie, A. (1991). A field trip to Kununurra and Darwin for C.P.. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 20 (4): 93, 114-123, 132.

Lowrie, A. (1991). Auf der Suche nach Carnivoren in Nordaustralien Das Taublatt 8. .Jahrgang Heft 16 (2): 12-22.

Lowrie, A. (1991). The wetland Utricularia of Cape Le Grand. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 10 (1): 4-8.

Lowrie, A. (1991). The wetland Utricularia of Cape Le Grand, Esperance, W. A.. The Carnivorous Plant Society Journal 15 (2): 7-12.

Lowrie, A. (1991). A new species of tuberous Drosera from Western Australia. (extract from Phytologia 63 (3): 160-162). Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 10 (1): 9-10, 15.

Lowrie, A. (1992). Moeras-Utricularia’s van Cape Le Grand, Esperance, West­Australie. Drosera Nieuwsblad 2 (3): 30-37.

Lowrie, A. (1992). New pygmy Drosera discovered. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivomus Plant Society Inc. 11(1): 3, 20.

Lowrie, A. (1993).Die Utricularien der Feuchtgebiete von Cape Le Grand, Esperance, W. A. Das Taublatt 10. .Jahrgang Heft 21(2): 23-25.

Lowrie, A. (1993).Die Utricularien der Feuchtgebiete von Cape Le Grand, Esperance, W. A., Teil 11. Das Taublatt 10. .Jahrgang Heft 22(3): 15-17.

Lowrie, A. (1993). The Australian pygmy Drosera roster for 1992. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 22 (1)19-20.

Lowrie, A. (1993). The Australian pygmy Drosera roster for 1992. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 12 (2): 16-18.

Lowrie, A. (1993). Byblis liniflora subsp. occidentalis a new subspecies from North­Western Australia. (Reprinted (in part) from Australian Systematic Botany, 6:175-179). Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 12 (3): 6-8.

Lowrie, A. (1994). Drosera ordensis (Droseraceae), a new species of carnivorous plant from northern Australia. (Reprinted in full (with permission) from Nuytsia 9 (3): 363-367 (1994). Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 13 (3): 16-20.

Lowrie, A. (1995). Belly botany in the Kimberley. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 14 (2): 10-17.

Lowrie, A. (1995). The Utricularia capilliflora complex (Observations suggest pollination may occur through pseudo-copulation). Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 14 (3): 17-20.

Lowrie, A. (1996). An easy method to smoke treat carnivorous plant seed. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 15 (2): 3-5.

Lowrie, A. (1996).Drosera kenneallyi. A new tropical species of carnivorous plant from the Kimberley, northern Western Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc 15 (2): 15-16,20.

Lowrie, A. (1996). An Epic Journey to the Mitchell Plateau, Mitchell River, Mount Trafalgar, Roe River, and Cape Bougainville (part 1). Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 15 (3): 12-17.

Lowrie, A. (1996). Five new Australian Drosera species. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 15 (3): 6-8, 20.

Lowrie, A. (1996). An Epic Journey to the Mitchell Plateau, Mitchell River, Mount Trafalgar, Roe River, and Cape Bougainville (part 2). Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. 15 (4): 6-12.

Lowrie, A. (1996). 1996 Expedition to the Mitchell Plateau, Mitchell River, Mount Trafalgar, Roe River, and Cape Bougainville in the Kimberley region, Tropical northern Australia. The carnivorous Plant Society Journal (U.K.) vol. 19, 11-32, 34-37, 53.

Lowrie, A. (1996). An easy method to smoke treat Carnivorous plant seed . The carnivorous Plant Society Journal (U.K.) vol. 19, 61-63.

Lowrie, A. (1997). Drosera paradoxa, a new species from northern Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 16 (4): 10-12.

Lowrie, A. (2001). An expedition to Yampi Peninsula in the Kimberley district Western Australia. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 20 (2): 3-9.

Lowrie, A. (2001). Floral mimicry and pollinator observations in carnivorous plants. Bulletin of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. 12 (2): 10-15.

Stati o čeledi Stylidiaceae

Carlquist, S. & Lowrie, A. (1989). Two new species of Stylidium from Western Australia. Phytologia 67 (5): 368-376.

Lowrie, A. & Carlquist, S. (1991). Studies in Stylidiaceae from Western Australia: New taxa; Rediscoveries and range extensions. Phytologia 71(1): 5-28.

Kenneally, K. F. & Lowrie, A. (1994). Rediscovery of the presumed extinct triggerplant Stylidium merrallii (Stylidiaceae) with an amended description of the species and its conservation status. The Western Australian Naturalist 19 (4); 269-277.

Kenneally, K. F. & Lowrie, A. (1994). Stylidium costulatum (Stylidiaceae), a new tropical species of triggerplant from the Kimberley, Western Australia and the lectotypification of S. floodii. Nuytsia 9 (3): 343-349.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1994). Stylidium pulviniforme (Stylidiaceae), a new species of triggerplant from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 9 (3): 369-373.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1996). Stylidium fimbriatum (Stylidiaceae), a new tropical species of triggerplant from the Kimberley, Western Australia. Nuytsia 10 (3):425-427.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1997). Six new species of triggerplant (Stylidium: Stylidiaceae) from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 11 (2): 185-198.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1997). Eight new species of triggerplant (Stylidium; Stylidiaceae) from northern Australia. Nuytsia 11 (2): 199-217.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1997). A taxonomic review of Stylidium subgenus Forsterosis (Stylidiaceae). Nuytsia 11(3): 353-364.

Lowrie, A., Coates, D.J. & Kenneally, K. F. (1998). A taxonomic review of the Stylidium caricifolium complex (Stylidiaceae), from south-west Western. Nuytsia 12 (1): 43-57.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1998). Three new species of triggerplant (Stylidium: Stylidiaceae) from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 12(1): 75-82.

Lowrie, A. & Kenneally, K. F. (1998). Three new triggerplants species in Stylidium subgenus Centridium (Stylidiaceae) from Western Australia. Nuytsia 12(2): 197-206.

Lowrie, A., Burbidge, A.H. & Kenneally, K. F. (1999). A taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants (Stylidiaceae: Stylidium sect. Appressae) from southern Australia. Nuytsia 13 (3): 89-157.

Lowrie, A.& Kenneally, K. F. (1999). Stylidium candelabrum (Stylidiaceae), a new species from the Northern Territory, Australia. Nuytsia 13 (1): 251-254.

Lowrie, A., Coates, D.J. & Kenneally, K. F. (1999). Stylidium chiddarcoopingense (Stylidiaceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 13 (1): 255-257.

Allen Lowrie

Botanical Consultant, specialist for Byblidaceae, Cephalotaceae, Droseraceae, Lentibulariaceae, Nepenthaceae & Stylidiaceae.
Allen Lowrie: Western Australian born 1948-
Married: wife Pauline
Children: 2 daughters & 3 grandchildren: Trinity: Evan & Yana. Filicity: Lochlan
Home: 6 Glenn Place, Duncraig, 6023, Western Australia
Contact: phone: +61-8-94477426; Fax: +61-8-92469335

Allen Lowrie’s botanical pursuits

Triggerplants and carnivorous plants specialist.
Leader of Botanical expeditions to Brunei, Sabah, Sumatra, Malaysia.
Many botanical survey contracts undertaken for C.A.L.M. = Conservation & Land Management (now D.E.C. = Dept of Environment & conservation)
Botanical survey contracts undertaken for Water Corporation.
Specialist botanist on Landscope expeditions, every year (1 to 2 expeditions p.a.) from 1993-1997, travelling to some of the most remote areas in the Kimberley. Assistant botanist for long term rain forest monitoring survey project on the Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley.
Botanist and assistant to the mainland “Golden Haired Bandicoot Survey Project” in the Kimberley using helicopter transport to service traplines at Mt Anderdon, Roe River, Mt Trafalgar and the coast at the end of the wet season.
Many botanical expeditions to all parts of the Kimberley including the Kimbolton Station area on Yampi Peninsula in August 2000.
Botanical researcher, writer, author, photographer, artist and illustrator.
Author and co-author of 108 new species of Droseraceae, Byblidaceae, Lentibulariaceae and Stylidiaceae in 24 scientific papers.
Author of 50 botanical magazine articles on Droseraceae, Byblidaceae and Lentibulariaceae.
Author of 3 books.

Grant recipient from…

C.A.L.M. (now D.E.C.)
C.S.I.R.O Education Science and Industry Endowment fund
Geographic Society Australia
Geographic Society USA

Aktualizováno ( [27.06.2008] )